On June 21st, Firefighters in EDINBURG, Texas, spent half an hour fighting a blazing inferno in which 2,000 pounds of marijuana went up in smoke. Imagine being there and breathing the entire thing!! I could have been one of them, gosh!
Besides 1000 gallons of water, it took them 5 gallons chemical supprestant to douse the flames. Believ me, I can smell it!! Whenever somebody talks about marijuana, I get a whiff in the air; that's my love of cannabies.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents are still investigating the origin of the "drugs"(!!).
Only in Texas! :)
ha, ha, this is my hometown, my dad works for the sheriff's dept said that the bud wet weighed in at about 7,000 pounds. it was burning in a rented warehouse, but from my expreience those warehouses are usually rented by mexican nationals ... I knew a guy that was deported ...
god made grass ...man made booze..who would you choose...???????
i'll go with god all the way!!!! :D
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