At a Beer Shop: CHILD BEAR [Don't mistake it for new brew! They Forgot the other "L" and "E", and replaced another "E" with an "A". So "Chilled Beer" is "Child Bear"!!!]
At a Barber's Shop: Haircut for Rs 15.00 - Children for Rs 10.00
On a Dry Cleaner's Window: Anyone Leaving Their Garments Here For More Than 30 Days Will Be Disposed Of!!
And Here's Another:
An Ad for a Sales Executive [Don't mistake it for a Salsa]!!!

Kot pali aibur ? Khotornak observation. Really funny. Hahahahahahahahah and lots of laughter.
Aabe hodaai observe koru ei bur! eiyaai tu kaam. rastat sori thakute sokut pore! hahahha!
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