Friday, January 25, 2008

How Green Was My City

This morning I woke up and realized how hopelessly I've come away from nature. I can't even remember how it feels like walking on a lush carpet of grass, tipped with the morning dew.

I haven't seen red earth for a while. I can only see a gazillion monostrous concrete structures swarming all over. I haven't seen the horizon for years. How obnoxious for a person who grew up amidst rolling hills and meandering streams!

Cities after cities, packed with millions of pretentious humans, each scrambling for material pleasures - they only leave me with disappointment. Corporates roll out swanky and flashy new motors each day. The end objective is to make more money. The CEOs nurture a secret desire to be the next richest guy in the world!

Our narrrow streets are crammed with vehicles, all leaving behind a trail of disastrous chemicals. We're deprived of clean and crisp air, which is indispensable for the survival of life on earth.

This is a breezy third world metro. They say we're are a developing country. They're building infrastructure at the cost of verdant forests, shady trees and lush undulating hills. Our rivers are contaminated. Our ground water is toxic. And do I need to talk about the digital waste? We live in a garbage heap!


Kalyan said...

Thats true. We leave in a jungle of concrete.

Carrie said...


This is Carrie from My Several Worlds. I can't sign in to leave a comment from wordpress, so I'm leaving it from my photoblog instead.

It makes me sad sometimes and a bit nostalgic as well. Every time I read a hisorical novel I always wonder what it would have been like to live during those times. Then I start thinking about the future and what it's going to be like. It's scary.